Well hello there, my name is Belle and I am the secretary for the Mommy club here at CAPS. I can tell from the look on your face that you`ve never heard of that. The Mommy Club is made up of lovely young cats like myself who either came here in the family way or with our cute little kittens. The kind folks here at CAPS found wonderful homes for our babies, but somehow we are still waiting for our ship to come in.None of us are all that old, in fact most of us are barely out of our teens. People often forget that a well cared for cat can live for twenty years .... and THAT means that we all still have a lot to offer.None of us were looking to be Mommies but we all did a very good job of taking care of our beautiful babies. Honestly, we were all very happy to see our babies adopted into warm and loving homes.Now we are hoping its our turn. We`re not going to be pushy, but we just want to remind folks that our adoption fees are lower than those of the babies. We are all healthy and vaccinated and every one of us is already spayed.We are all housetrained. We are young enough to be playful but old enough to sleep through the night. The kind folks here take very good care of us but it is still more like boarding school than a home. We all yearn for a place where we can give our hearts and really feel at ease.After everything we have all been through, each and every one of us would have more love than anyone could possibly imagine for someone who would be wise enough and kind enough to see how much we second hand roses have to offer.
Well hello there, my name is Maurice and I decided to give the kind folks at the Yarmouth SPCA shelter a hand by tooting my own horn. Normally I'm too busy trying to charm everyone who walks by my cage ... but that doesn't seem to be working because I am still here at the shelter.I know I'm not a kitten anymore... but really we cats are only kittens for such a short time in the space of what can be a twenty year life. Happily, most of us never outgrow the ability to play .... we adults still love our toys and our tunnels and our towers.We still love to have fun, but we adults have learned a lesson or two along the way. We know how to wipe our feet when we come out of the litter box. We've already figured out that that interesting roll of paper in the bathroom wasn't put there for our amusement. We've discovered that swatting at your pyjama ties doesn't always end well. And of course, we all love a good nights sleep just as much as you do.To be perfectly honest, I'd be willing to learn anything else that was necessary to settle in with someone sensible enough to see that we secondhand kitties are first rate companions. Honestly, after all this time at the shelter, I would have so much more love than anyone could possibly imagine for someone kind enough to open their home and their heart to a first rate fellow like me.